The Church is not immune to this neurosis either. Often we share the same fears as our non-Christian neighbors but we also have our own specific Christian brand of fears. Some churches fear that if they aren't a part of the latest trend or church growth technique, then their numbers will decrease. Other churches fear that if they do anything other than what they have always done, then some how they will have lost their way. We fear finding new ways of speaking and living the Gospel message. We fear being in conversation with people who do not share our faith. We fear asking hard questions of our own faith. Our fears, like those of the world, are ultimately driven by a fear of death but not physical death. Instead, we fear that our church may die or that our faith might die if we are not constantly diligent. As a result of this fear, we become defensive, approaching every new idea or new person or new challenge as if they could be the one that might strip us of our eternal reward if we are not careful. In my opinion, this defensive attitude has probably done more damage to the Church itself than any heresy or false teaching which the defense itself was designed to protect against.
Romans 8:26-39 is a bold assertion against the control which fear exerts over our lives. Paul reveals to us in these verses a God who is in control of the world and knows the ends to which He is drawing it. Paul brushes aside these fears with a single question; "If God is for us, who is against us?". He then goes on to argue that God is indeed for us. We know that God is for us because he gave up his own son for our salvation and because God's Holy Spirit is actively transforming us. (Here, Paul's argument bears a strong resemblance to Romans 5:1-11.) With this kind of God at work among us, "who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation or distress of persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword?" Of course not because our God and our God's love for us are both much greater than any of those things. We have nothing to fear because nothing can separate us from God's love.
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