The following is one of the lessons for the first week of
Lent from the small group study we are doing at our church entitled Christ in the Psalms. You
can purchase the entire study for 99 cents on at this link.
Read Matthew 21:12-17
It would be difficult to overstate just how important the
temple was in first century Judaism; both practically and symbolically. It was
the place of sacrifice, forgiveness, a house of prayer, the central place of
worship for every faithful Jew, and a symbol of the presence of God with his
people. But it wasn’t just a religious building. It was also connected to Israel ’s kings,
a place tied to God anointed authority. Its history went all the way back to
the great King David who had first asked if he could build a house for God. The
first temple was built by David’s son, King Solomon. The temple in which Jesus
stood in this passage was built by King Herod the Great as a symbol of his
So when Jesus, a peasant from Galilee ,
enters the temple and starts turning over tables and driving people out, the
religious leaders naturally want to know who he thinks he is and why he has the
authority to behave this way. Likewise, when the children in the temple start
shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David!” thereby speaking of Jesus as a
messianic deliverer in the line of King David, the chief priests and scribes
become indignant and ask Jesus if they hear what the children are saying. The
implication is that if Jesus had heard the words of these children, he would
silence them immediately to prevent them from making such a blasphemous claim
about him.
Instead, Jesus quotes Psalm 8:3.[1]
The remarkable thing about this is that Psalm 8 was addressed to God. The
praise from the mouths of infants and babies was to be for Yahweh alone and
Jesus now says it is appropriate for that same praise to be directed toward
him. Rather than rebuking the children for hailing him as the Davidic messiah,
Jesus has actually upped the ante. He has essentially said that it is not only
right for them to call him “Son of David” but even to praise him as they would
praise God. Just as the Psalmist marveled at the wonders of the heavens and
praised God for it, these children have seen the wonderful things that Jesus
has done (v.14-15) and sing his praises for it.
[1] You
might have noticed that what Jesus quotes is a little different than what you
read yesterday. Most translations of Ps 8:3 say that God established “strength”
out of the mouths of babies and infants whereas Jesus says “you have prepared
praise.” This is because most translations of the Psalm follow the Hebrew
version of the Psalm whereas Jesus’ quote in Matthew comes from the LXX
(Septuagint), the Greek version of the Old Testament. Since the NT authors
wrote in Greek rather than Hebrew, it was very common for them to quote from
the LXX rather than the Hebrew text.
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